About US

IDEST-CHEM OÜ is an innovative company based in Estonia and fully on Estonian capital, operating since 2017. Our goal is the development and production of the newest, high-quality, environmentally friendly and more safe for human's healt cleansers, both for industrial and everyday use.

The history of the organization IDEST-CHEM OÜ begins in 2012. Then a group of disparate people worked in different spheres from chemists and salesmen to organizers, under different names, who constantly came into contact with various kinds of washing and cleaning chemistry of well-known brands and companies. However, the idea and the desire to create something new and really safer for the environment and for man and to bring socially useful and necessary benefits to society eventually brought together all specialists from different areas of people's lives into a single community under The name IDEST-CHEM OÜ.

Each of our products meets the stated qualities. In the enterprise management system, we adhere to the basic principles of the newest management system: SGTOM 2017.

Buying our products, you are investing the future. Support the development and production of socially useful products.


